"La Quema Muertos", Original Oil Painting on Board
"La Quema Muertos" ("the Burning Dead") is an original one of a kind oil painting by professional artist Marie Vlasic, as part of the Black Rock Portrait Project series. This painting is 24 x 36", oil on cradled wood board, and is ready to hang (no frame needed). See more of the artist's work, as well as the artist bio, awards and events, at www.vlasicstudio.com. Sign up for the Collector's List and see all new work first.
"La Quema Muertos" features friend of the artist Anthea C. as the model, based on photos taken by the artist at Burning Man in 2011. This painting is stunning in person, much nicer than the picture can show.
Originally $4800, now $3600 on sale.
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"We have followed Marie's work for quite a while and in addition to finding it to be masterfully executed, we have always found that the "head-on and in your face approach" to her work and her striking selection of models makes for the kind of strong and unforgettable images that we
are always looking to add to our collection." -Howard Tullman, the Tullman Collection, Chicago